Sirius, Jean Bastien Niyigaruye,11min, 2024
A Strangers, Leah Doz,14min, 2024
Dreams like paper boats, Samuel Suffren,19min, 2024
Chanson pour le nouveau monde, Myriam Charles, 9min, 2021
Vole, vole tristesse, Miryam Charles, 5min, 2015
Tous les jours de mai, Miryam Charles, 6min, 2023
Transcending the tumult of the world:
Can we say that at the origin of all things lies peace, a state sought beyond apparent chaos? Is this chaos, in perpetual motion, the driving force behind every creative act? Each story reads like an intimate quest, an aspiration to express an elusive state of the world, with all its torments and sparks. What are the filmmakers' deepest desires, and how do these antagonistic forces translate onto the screen? Perhaps at the heart of each project lies the ultimate quest for peace, transcending the tumult of the world.
Come and discover a selection of captivating films created by talented black filmmakers. Immerse yourself in powerful and inspiring stories, followed by an enriching discussion with the filmmakers present. Don't miss this exceptional evening of cinema and dialogue on the creative process, the work itself and what it can bring to the world around us in terms of peace and sometimes disorder, like a mirror effect.
04 February 2025 18:15 - 20:15
La Cinémathèque québécoise
Boulevard de Maisonneuve Est
Virtual :
Regular Price:18$
Open to all