Rhythms and resistance: the journey of reggae in Canada Movie theater The Big Views Series At the height of the golden age of reggae, several great Jamaican stars left their island to give birth to a new Caribbean creative hub, in an unlikely place to say the least: Canada. Combining exceptional archives and wonderfully swinging rhythms, this exhilarating series in five episodes returns to the sources of a musical culture that no amount of uprooting can ensure. On the program: 1. Graeme Mathieson and Chris Flanagan, Roy and Yvonne, Canada, NFB, 2024, 15 min. 2. Graeme Mathieson and Chris Flanagan, Nana McLean, Canada, NFB, 2024, 15 min. 3. Graeme Mathieson and Chris Flanagan, Johnny Osbourne, Canada, NFB, 2024, 15 min. 4. Graeme Mathieson and Chris Flanagan, Leroy Sibbles, Canada, NFB, 2024, 15 min. 5. Graeme Mathieson and Chris Flanagan, Summer Records, Canada, NFB, 2024, 15 min. Source: NFB This series will be presented in the original English version with French subtitles. In celebration of Black History Month The viewing room will be open from 1:30 p.m. A film librarian will answer your questions and present the film project to you. It will also suggest documents from the BAnQ collections related to the film. After the film screening, we invite you to chat with the librarian and other film buffs about your impressions and thoughts.
18 February 2025 14:00 - 15:30
18 February 2025 18:30 - 20:00
Grande Bibliothèque (Salle de visionnement du niveau 4)
Boul. de Maisonneuve E,
Open to all