Joignez-vous au Cinema Politica Concordia pour la première montréalaise de KOKOMO CITY en présence d'invités.
invités présents.
Dans le documentaire très divertissant et rafraîchissant KOKOMO CITY,
le cinéaste D. Smith passe le micro à quatre travailleuses du sexe transgenres noires d'Atlanta
d'Atlanta et de New York, qui brisent sans complexe les murs de leur profession.
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D. Smith / États-Unis / 2023 / 1h12m / Anglais avec sous-titres en anglais
Réalisé par D. Smith, deux fois nominé aux Grammy Awards, KOKOMO CITY s'attaque à une tâche apparemment simple : présenter l'histoire de quatre travailleuses du sexe transgenres noires à New York.
de présenter les histoires de quatre travailleurs du sexe transgenres noirs à New York et en Géorgie.
New York et en Géorgie.
Tourné dans un noir et blanc saisissant, l'audace des faits de la vie de ces femmes et la franchise sismique qu'elles partagent compliquent la tâche de l'équipe de KOKOMO CITY.
de ces femmes et la franchise sismique qu'elles partagent compliquent cette entreprise.
Le quotidien se heurte à un commentaire social incisif et à l’exploration de vérités longtemps latentes.
Accessible à tous les publics, sans filtre, sans complexe et sans complaisance, Smith et ses sujets font voler en éclats la norme d'authenticité en vogue.
et ses sujets font voler en éclats les normes d'authenticité à la mode, en offrant une
et une vulnérabilité rafraîchissante, sans se soucier de la pureté et de la politesse.
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L'entrée se fait par donation (5-10 $ suggérés). Le lieu est accessible aux fauteuils roulants. Afin d'éviter la propagation du COVID 19, le port du masque au Cinema Politica est obligatoire.
Afin de prévenir la propagation du COVID 19, le port d'un masque lors des événements du Cinema Politica
Concordia est fortement recommandé.
Plus d'informations :
Join Cinema Politica Concordia for a special screening of UNARMED VERSES in
memory of director Charles Officer.
A slow, artful and introspective look at a predominantly Black community in Toronto
that is faced with forced relocation.
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Charles Officer / Canada / 2016 / 1h25m / English with English Subs
In the feature documentary UNARMED VERSES, acclaimed filmmaker Charles Officer
creates a thoughtful and vivid portrait of a family and a community facing a difficult
transition. The largely low-income residents of a rental housing block in Toronto’s
north-east end are threatened with imposed relocation due to the impending
demolition of the place they call home. At the centre of this story is 12-year-old
Francine Valentine, a curious and compassionate girl whose astute observations and
innate ability to express her thoughts belie her young age. Having immigrated to
Canada as a four-year-old, Francine lives with her father and other family members
but has a distant relationship with her mother, who remained in their home country of
Antigua. Francine’s remarkably insightful reflections on life, the self, and the soul are
beautifully framed by her love for art of all kinds, from poetry to drawing, dancing,
and music. The difficult realities of her existence—poverty, girlhood, family rifts, and
community tumult—are no match for this bright and expressive youngster. Francine
and her peers are aided through their community’s transition by teachers and
mentors who show them the power of art and creativity in navigating adversity. From
garage reggae jams to the soft jazz emanating behind languid shots of the
neighbourhood and its people, from Francine’s careful reading of Edgar Allan Poe to
the recording studio where the neighbourhood’s teenagers learn to lay down their
musical tracks, the capacity of art to provide strength and create change is fully
realized. As Francine herself says, art is an “escape from reality.” While Francine’s
unforgettable voice speaks for an entire community facing change, UNARMED
VERSES gives agency to those who are rarely heard in society. Francine’s
transformative journey transcends a simple coming-of-age story: it mirrors our
universal need to express ourselves, find our voice, and belong. Charles Officer builds
a powerful bond of trust with this luminous girl, crafting a poignant urban
observational film that explores intertwining themes of economic
disparity, home, love, and self-esteem. “It’s a miracle that we exist at all,” is a line
from a poem by one of Francine’s mentors, who encouraged her to improve her self-
confidence through art. This universal truth transcends the struggles and triumphs of
communities across the world that are facing adversity while celebrating their bonds.
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Admission is by donation ($5-10 suggested). The venue is wheelchair accessible. In
order to prevent the spreading of COVID 19, wearing a mask at Cinema Politica
Concordia events is strongly recommended.
More info:
26 Février 2024 19:00 - 21:00
Concordia Hall Building Auditorium room H110
Boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
à tous